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How to Clear the HTTPS Fax Registration Token

Clearing the HTTPS Fax Registration from a Lexmark MFP assists when there are issues relating to the Lexmark’s token.

Info, Notes and Warnings

Clearing the fax registration token will affect your connection to etherFAX. Please use caution when performing these steps.


Before reading these instructions be sure that the following prerequisites are met:


Clearing the HTTPS Fax Registration Token

  1. Enter your Lexmark MFP’s IP Address followed by “/se” into your web browser:

    Format: [IP Address/SE]

  2. Select Fax from the Menu Options:


  3. Under Actions select Clear HTTPS Fax Registration Token. The Lexmark MFP will reboot, and the HTTPS Fax Registration Token will now be cleared.


Ending Notes and Details

You will see a message stating the “etherFAX token does not exist” if you do not currently have the etherFAX registration token on your device.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.