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How to Change the Date and Time Settings

This article provides instructions on how to change the date and time settings on your Lexmark MFD.

Info, Notes and Warnings

Should the date and time settings not be correctly established, you will have device connectivity issues to etherFAX if they are updated later.


Before reading these instructions be sure that the following prerequisite(s) are met:


How to change the date and time settings

  1. Enter your Lexmark’s IP Address into a web browser.

  1. Select Device:

Screenshot displaying the Device tab under Select Option
  1. Select Date and Time and make changes if these properties are not correct.

  1. Determine the Date Format, the Time Format and Time Zone and click Save.

You have now successfully updated the date and time settings on your Lexmark!

Ending Notes and Details

If the date and time settings do not stick when the Time Zone is changed and saved, expand the Network Time Protocol and consider an adjustment to the NTP Server.

Adjustments may be needed here, consult your IT team for further insight.

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