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How to Determine your Lexmark MFD's IP Address

This article provides instructions on how to locate your Lexmark MFD’s IP Address.

Info, Notes and Warnings

If you do not set up a static IP Address for your Lexmark MFD, you will have to repeat these set of steps every time it changes.


Before reading these instructions be sure that the following prerequisites are met:

  • The Lexmark MFD is on your network.

  • It can be reached from your computer/workstation.


How to determine your Lexmark’s IP Address (Windows)

  1. With your Lexmark connected to your network, open up File Explorer.

  1. On the left-hand side, click on Network.

  1. Find your Lexmark MFP on the page and right-click it and select View Device Webpage:

You have now determined your Lexmark’s IP Address on a Windows device!

 How to determine your Lexmark’s IP Address (Mac)

  1. With your Lexmark connected to your network, go to System Preferences.

  1. Click on Print and Scan.

  1. Click on your Lexmark MFP and the IP Address will be listed next to Location.

You have now determined your Lexmark’s IP Address on your macOS device!

Ending Notes and Details

Mac: You may also click on Options & Supplies where it should state the IP Address again, in Location. When you click on this button you have the option to “Show Printer Webpage…” which will take you to your Device’s Embedded Web Server Webpage.

If connected to the local intranet, the IP Address can often be seen on the interface of the device itself.

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