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Registration Issues: "There is no enrollment information for the specified device"

When attempting the register device [enrollment code] command, you receive an error stating “There is no enrollment information for the specified device”.

Info, Notes and Warnings

Enrollment codes can become expired.


Before reading these instructions be sure that the following prerequisites are met:

  • An etherFAX account.

    • Must have the ability to generate an enrollment code.

  • An etherFAX portal user.

    • The Global Administrator, or

    • one with the Edit Customer role.

Solution #1 - Retry the same registration token

  1. Sign into the etherFAX Client portal at

  2. Go to Endpoints > Applications and click + Enrollment in the upper-right corner:

  1. Within the Manage Enrollment Codes pop-up, copy the previous code once more.

  2. Return to the Teams client and begin by using the logout command.

    If this issue is taking place in a Teams Channel instance, then lead the logout command by calling the DirectFax bot. Do so by entering it as @DirectFax logout and selecting the DirectFax bot when prompted.

  3. Use the enrollment token once more.

  4. A Sign In button signifies that it took the code without issue. Proceed with signing in, if so.

If issues still occur, proceed to Solution #2.

Solution #2 - Try a new registration token

  1. Sign into the etherFAX Client portal at

  2. Go to Endpoints > Applications and click + Enrollment in the upper-right corner:

  1. Within the Manage Enrollment Codes pop-up, click Generate Code.

  2. Copy the newer code, one unaffiliated with the error. Click the clipboard icon to copy the code:

  3. Return to the Teams client and attempt to use the new code with the enrollment code. Ex., register device [ABCDE-FGHIJ].

If issues still occur, proceed to Solution #3.

Solution #3 - Logout and retry

  1. Begin by entering logout in the DirectFax environment.

    If this issue is taking place in a Teams Channel instance, then lead the logout command by calling the DirectFax bot. Do so by entering it as @DirectFax logout and selecting the DirectFax bot when prompted.

  2. Once confirmed of having logged out, sign into the web version of Microsoft Teams (currently

  3. Reattempt steps 1-5 of Solution #1 or Solution #2.

If issues persist with the same error, contact etherFAX Support via email at

Ending Notes and Details

Enrollment codes expire in 15 minutes. If needed, expirations on codes can be extended in 15-minute increments.

Solutions #1 & #2 work similarly to another.

A non-expired token should act no differently than a new one. Reattempting a code when this issue arises, where it is successful, is often due to an non-token related issue on the first attempt.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.