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How to Edit a Portal User

This tutorial provides instructions on how to edit portal users in the etherFAX Client portal.

Info, Notes and Warnings

Editing portal users requires the Global Administrator or a user with Edit Customer privileges.

When editing a portal user, you can change the user’s first name/last name/contact phone number. This can be helpful for management reasons.

The Access Level can be changed which allows for more or less privileges for users as they are signed into the portal.


Before reading these instructions be sure that the following prerequisites are met:

  • An etherFAX account.

  • An etherFAX portal user.

    • The Global Administrator, or

    • one with the Edit Customer role.


How to edit portal users

  1. Sign into the etherFAX Client portal at

  2. Click on Settings, then Portal Users:

  1. On an existing entry, select the pencil icon to edit the user:

  1. Update the portal user. The fields available are Access Level, First Name, Last Name, and Contact Phone. Once completed, click Save

You have now successfully edited a portal user!

Ending Notes and Details

If the changes you were hoping to make aren’t available, then please contact the etherFAX partner that supports your fax solution.

If etherFAX directly supports your fax solution, then reach out to our support team with a user that is affiliated to the account. This will allow authorization of any needed changes.

There are two Access Level settings that can be determined for portal users.

Read Only allows for general access but will be limited on certain aspects such as creating more users or purging the account.

Edit Customer allows for access to further details or configuration changes regarding the account.

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