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How to Check the Account Summary

This tutorial provides instructions on how to check the account summary.

Info, Notes and Warnings

Just like the Dashboard, the Summary provides statistics about the account in regard to its sending and receiving of faxes.


Before reading these instructions be sure that the following prerequisites are met:

  • An etherFAX account.

  • An etherFAX portal user.


How to check the account summary

  1. Sign into the etherFAX Client portal at

  2. On the drop-down menu on the left-hand side, click the arrow and select Summary.

You are now viewing the Monthly Summary / Metrics page!

Ending Notes and Details

You can use the Advanced filter to specify a date range for the account summary. This range cannot exceed 6-months.

If your account is responsible for a high volume of faxes where there are issues generating this report, then it is advised to narrow the date range as to avoid such errors.

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