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How to Install DirectFax—Teams Channel Instance

This tutorial provides instructions on how to install DirectFax to a Teams Channel Instance.

This details the two different methods to install the application where it does not apply to the registration.

Info, Notes and Warnings

Due to permissions within organizations, unless the installing user is authorized, you may need an administrator’s help when attempting this tutorial.

A Teams Channel Instance takes place when DirectFax is installed directly to a Teams Channel as opposed to a being installed directly to a user.

A Teams Channel Instance can only receive inbound faxes—whereas a 1:1 Instance is the only instance that is capable of both sending and receiving faxes.


Before reading these instructions be sure that the following prerequisites are met:

  • A Microsoft Teams user.

    • Permissions to download 3rd-party applications.


How to install DirectFax—Get bots method

  1. With a user in the desired Teams channel, start a new message and type the @ symbol.

  2. Click the Get bots suggestion once it appears:

  1. The Add a bot pop-up will appear. From there you can search for DirectFax and click it. The application will now be added to the Teams channel:


You have now successfully installed DirectFax to a Teams Channel using the Get bots method!

How to install DirectFax—Apps library method

  1. In the Teams client, click Apps on the left-hand navigation bar.

  2. In the search bar, search for DirectFax.

  3. On the DirectFax app, click on the pop-up itself, avoid clicking the Open button as that will open up your 1:1 Instance should it be installed there.

  1. In the pop-up, select the drop-down and then select Add to a team:

  1. Begin searching for the Teams channel location that you wish to install DirectFax and select it.

  2. Click Set up, avoiding the drop-down to Set up a tab/Set up a bot as this should do both:

  1. Click Save to finalize.

You have now successfully installed DirectFax to a Teams Channel using the Apps library method!

Ending Notes and Details

To reference the application in a Teams Channel, you must use the @ symbol and then type DirectFax. Thereafter, you can select DirectFax in order to start interacting with the application:


If you do not have the ability to use either method, then necessary permissions may not be available to your user. Review the tenant’s permissions to make sure these permissions are in place.

With the app’s installation out of the way, you are now able to proceed in pairing it to your etherFAX account.

More information on completing this process can be found here: How to Register DirectFax with your etherFAX Account.

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