How to Generate, Show, or Reset the Account API Key
This tutorial provides instructions on how to generate, reveal or reset an account’s API key from the etherFAX Client Portal.
Info, Notes and Warnings
Depending on the privilege of the portal user and the account configuration, some features may not be available.
Changing the API Key can cause authorization issues with your fax application. This can cause damaging effects on both inbound/outbound faxing. Please use discretion on such changes.
Before reading these instructions be sure that the following prerequisites are met:
An etherFAX account.
An etherFAX portal user.
The Global Administrator, or
one with the Edit Customer role.
How to generate, show or reset the account API key
Sign into the etherFAX Client portal at
Click on Settings, then Account:

Below Account Information, you will see the option to Show API Key and to Generate API Key or Reset API Key.
If you do not see the Generate API Key or Reset API Key button, then it is not available to you.
These options are exclusive to the Global Administrator.
f the goal was to see and copy the API key, click Show API Key, then click the Copy button:

Click Generate API Key should you wish to produce an etherFAX API key:

If you intend to reset the API key, then click the Reset API Key button:

You have now successfully generated, revealed or reset the API key!
Ending Notes and Details
The Generate API Key or Reset API Key buttons are exclusive to the Global Administrator.
Resetting an API key can cause authentication failures in your fax solution’s environment. This can prevent outbound and inbound faxing altogether.
Not all configurations require use of an API key.
For example, an account using DirectFax products or Lexmark devices exclusively would likely have no need to generate or use an API key.