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How to Send a Fax

This tutorial provides instructions on how to send a fax with DirectFax Messenger for Slack.

Info, Notes and Warnings

A “registering user” refers to the user that registered DirectFax in this particular instance.

To avoid confusion, it is advisable that Slack Channel Instances are kept as inbound-only whereas 1:1 Instances are used for both inbound and outbound faxes.


Before reading these instructions be sure that the following prerequisites are met:

  • A registered 1:1 Instance or Slack Channel Instance.

  • The registering user.


How to send a fax

  1. Locate the DirectFax Messenger app in your 1:1 Instance or access a Slack Channel Instance as the registering user.

  2. Within the message field, add an attachment by clicking the + icon and then selecting Upload from your computer:


Acceptable attachment file types include .PDF, .TIFF, .JPEG, .PNG, .BMP, .DOC/.DOCX.

  1. Repeat with additional documents as needed. Once ready, click Enter.

  2. Hover above the message where the More actions option becomes available. Select it:

  1. From there, select the option to Send as Fax:

  1. A pop-up will appear. Input the Recipient Fax Number:

If you wish to utilize the Sender Name, Sender Fax Number, etc., be sure to select Yes on Cover Page which prepends a cover page to your fax with that information.

  1. Click Submit.

  2. Once the fax is complete, a fax status message will be posted:


You have now successfully sent a fax!

Ending Notes and Details

DirectFax Messenger will automatically relay the fax status, however, you can always prompt a check by clicking the Check Status button on the submitted fax.

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