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How to Block Faxes to a Specific Recipient

This tutorial provides instructions on how to block outbound fax submissions from your etherFAX account based on destination fax number.

Info, Notes and Warnings

This affects the entirety of the etherFAX account where this is applied.

It cannot be made specific per a user on an application, or a device, as this is a global setting that affects all etherFAX outbound submissions on the account where the block placed.


Before reading these instructions be sure that the following prerequisites are met:

  • An etherFAX account.

  • An etherFAX portal user.

    • The Global Administrator, or

    • one with the Edit Customer role.

  • Fax number(s) to block.


How to block faxes to a specific recipient

  1. Sign into the etherFAX Client portal at

  2. On the left-hand side select Blocking, then Outbound:

  1. Next, click the + Add Item button beneath Deny List. A pop-up titled Add Outbound Deny List Item will appear.

  2. Select the Country Code drop-down, then select the country code of the number you wish to block.

  3. Enter the rest of the number you wish to block (avoiding dashes and parenthesis). Click Add to List:

To avoid redundancy and possible errors be sure not to include the country code within the Enter number * field.

  1. From here you can add additional entries, filter and search, or delete records by using the trash icon on the right-hand side.

You have just successfully learned how to block outgoing fax numbers on an etherFAX account!

Ending Notes and Details

This action prevents faxes from your etherFAX account from dialing the numbers specified on the list.

If it is preferred to block all outgoing faxes from the account unless they are specified as valid destinations, then the following article will assist: How to Block Faxes to All Recipients Unless Permitted.

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